Learn How To Handle Banknotes For Your Currency Collection

currency collection
by: Ben Tseytlin - on Coins & Currency

While banknotes are light in weight and convenient to carry, store and transport, they are extremely fragile. Banknotes in circulation typically only last a couple years before having to be replaced, even those that use special plasticized fabrics. Special precautions must be taken to ensure that the banknotes within your currency collection remain in a pristine condition for many years to come.

Never Handle Banknotes With Dirty Hands

One of the most damaging things to banknotes is dirty, greasy hands. While banks mostly handle large sums of banknotes by machine, when humans handle them they will be exposed to both dirt and oil. Collectible banknotes should only be handled with clean hands or gloves. The best gloves are those which are cotton based. The more frequently banknotes are handled; the more likely they are to be exposed to skin oil, sweat and other impurities.

Banknotes Are Susceptible To Environmental Damage

There are a number of environmental elements that can damage your banknotes. One of the most hazardous of these is sunlight, which can cause the ink to fade. Pollution from air can also permeate the paper and places with high humidity such as tropical and subtropical climates can completely eviscerate banknotes which are not correctly stored. Your most valuable and rare bills should be stored in bill holders which are numismatically approved and transparent so they are easy to find.

Always Keep Your Banknotes Flat

When evaluating your collectible banknotes the first thing a grader will check for are tears or creases. It is unusual to find banknotes that don’t have any folds or creases at all, but this is why you should always keep your banknotes as flat as possible. Banknotes which are circulated will be placed in money clips, purses, wallets or sometimes just stuffed inside pockets.

This inevitably leads to creases and sometimes tears, and once they become excessive they will rapidly degrade the quality of the note. Most banknotes which are fresh from the bank will typically show some signs of handling from counting and be placed in packages, so collectors must take precautions to ensure they don’t cause further issues by storing them incorrectly. The best tools for keeping your bills as flat as possible are bill holders.

Taking These Precautions Will Best Preserve Your Banknotes

While the collection of banknotes is not as popular as collecting gold or silver coins, there is still a sizeable and lucrative market for it. Collecting international currency is a great way to understand geography and history while also diversifying your holdings. Banknotes are a form or art, and the notes produced by each nation are a reflection of their character. The rarest banknotes can command spectacular prices, so it is in your best interest to keep them in the best condition possible.

Due to the fact that banknotes are more fragile than gold or silver coin, additional precautions must be taken to care for them. Collectible banknotes should be handled less, and when they are – it is best to wear gloves.