Buying Lapis Lazuli Gemstones

Lapis is a spectacular bluish gemstone that was known to the Egyptians, Babylonians and Romans. During antiquity it was often worn by royalty and has even been found in the tombs of mummies.
Lapis (also known as Lapis Lazuli), is a metamorphic rock that is rare. It consists of multiple minerals which include pyrite, calcite, diopside and lazurite. It comes in different variants, such as Chilean Lapis (which has whitish calcite streaks with reduced gold pyrite) and Denis Lapis which has a lighter blue color.
Lapis is opaque and its dominant blue color may be accompanied by gold or white streaks, which are the result of different minerals. The golden flecks in particular are considered stunning and may increase the price. Because Lapis is so opaque it is rarely faceted, but exceptions are made if the blue coloration is even and deep. In this case it will be polished and sliced into cabochons or dome shapes. The cabochons are frequently molded into rounds, ovals or shapes which are ideal for customized jewelry.
How To Shop For Lapis
This gemstone is valued based on color, with the most bluish stones being prized. Dark blue with a violet undertone is sought after. These gems will always have inclusions and blemishes that usually consist of gold pyrite or white calcite, so gems which display a uniform color with few blemishes will always carry a higher price tag.
Deep blue golden flecks can be attractive if their density is not too high. White calcite streaks on the other hand are very common and not as attractive so stones which display them will have a lower value. Technically, lapis is a stone rather than a mineral like most gems, since it is the aggregate of multiple minerals like lazurite and feldspar. However, it is the lazurite which gives the stone its blue color and the best gems will contain at least twenty five percent of it.
Compared to other gemstones, Lapis carries a reasonable price tag. Specimens which display a rich deep blue can be purchased for two to three dollar for each carat. The most expensive gemstones will be violet, midnight or indigo blue. Most experts regard Persian and Afghan Lapis as being the best in the world, followed by Chile. It comes in multiple carat sizes and the best shapes or cuts are those which maximize its bluish color.
How To Wear And Care For Lapis
Lapis should be cleaned on a monthly basis. This can be done by running the gemstone beneath tepid water, then drying it using a cloth which is soft. However, it should never be submerged in water or left out to air dry. It is perfect for earrings and pendants but a protection setting will be needed for bracelets or rings. It is soft compared to other stones, with a Mohs scale rating of 5 or 6, and as such can be carved in interesting shapes with ease. Lapis is porous which is why it should not be left sitting in water for long periods of time.