Original Series Ace $1 First National Banknote Bath New York Fr#380a PMG Ch VF35
$6,310.67 -
Series Of 1886 $10 Silver Certificate Tombstone Fr#292 PMG VF30 Minor Repair
$2,095.23 -
Series 1902 $20 First NB Of Randolph Nebraska Charter # 7421 Fr#650 PMG Fine 12
$619.04 -
Series Of 1929 $20 FRN Cape May New Jersey Ch# 9285 Fr#1802-1 PMG Choice Fine 15
1882 $5 The Market & Fulton National Bank Of New Yok Fr#470 Charter #964 PMG F12
$523.80 -
1923 $10 Large Size Legal Tender Note Red Seal Poker Chip Fr#123 PMG Choice F15
$1,999.99 -
1882 $10 The Second NB Of Titusville Brown Back Fr#480 Charter#879 PMG VF20
$714.28 -
Series Of 1882 $20 Large Size Gold Certificate Fr#1178 PMG Very Fine 25 Pinholes
Series Of 1929 $100 Federal Reserve Bank Chicago Star Note Fr#1890-G* PMG VF30
$1,142.85 -
Series 1929 $10 The Dunbar National Bank New York CH#13237 Fr#1801-1 PMG VF25
$523.80 -
Series Of 1890 $5 Large Size Treasury Note Ornate Back Fr#361 Choice Fine 15
$1,190.47 -
Series Of 1914 $5 Federal Reserve Note Richmond Virginia Fr#836a PMG VF25 EPQ
1914 $10 Large Size Red Seal Federal Reserve Note New York Fr#893b PMG VF30
$738.09 -
Continental Currency November 29, 1775 $3 Fr#CC-13 PMG Ch UNC 63 Stains
$2,380.94 -
Series Of 1899 $2 Large Size Silver Certificate Mini Porthole Fr#257 PMG Ch AU58
$1,666.66 -
Series Of 1918 $1 Federal Reserve Bank Note Chicago Fr#729 PMG Choice UNC 63 EPQ
Series Of 1918 $2 Federal Reserve Bank Note Cleveland Battleship Fr#757 PMG AU55
$1,904.75 -
Series Of 1902 $10 First NB Of Wood River Nebraska CH# 3939 Fr#618 PMG Ch AU58
$666.66 -
Series Of 1999 $1 FRN New York Fr#1924-B Serial Number 6 PMG VF30 EPQ
$666.66 -
Original Series Ace 1865 $1 First NB Utica New York CH# 1395 Fr#380a PMG Fine 12